Thank you for searching for more information about Christian Life Assembly. Whether you're just asking questions about God or searching for a church home, we're excited you're here. You can expect to be home at Christian Life Assembly. The people will love you just as you are. Whether you’ve attended church your entire life or never at all, we know it’s not easy visiting a church for the first time. It is our goal and prayer to give you the best possible experience. Welcome Home!
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What is my Next Step?
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, you will find yourself “Home” at CLA. Our desire is to see you grow in your faith. The following steps will help you discover the joy of knowing Him in becoming complete in Christ.

Be A Relational Witness.
THE FIRST STEP IS TO REACH out to the non-believer personally. Rather than beginning with the message of Christ, we seek to make connections so that when we do share the message, we have credibility. People are more inclined to consider a radical message from a trusted friend than from a stranger. The love and interest we show cultivates the ground in preparation for sowing the seeds of the Gospel. When there is an established relationship, then an invite to church, to a church event or a verbal witness is more easily received.

Believe & Be Baptized.
AT SOME POINT, the non-believer accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. Your very next step after salvation is water baptism. Water baptism isn’t for mature Christians, it’s baby step number two in the Christian life (the very next thing you do once you’re saved). Water baptism is symbolic of your commitment to Christ, in the same way a wedding ring is symbolic of your commitment to your spouse. But water baptism isn’t only a way to go public with your faith, it’s also obedience to God’s Word, which instructs us to be baptized.

Belong To A Small Group.
EVERY MINISTRY IS A SMALL GROUP at Christian Life and true life change happens best in the context where you can be known authentically and where you share your spiritual journey with others. Whether you are in a serve group, reach group, grow group or a connect group, life change is best optimized within a small group.

Become A Volunteer.
EVERY BELIEVER is given a spiritual gift(s) by the Holy Spirit, and that gift is to be used for the common good. Whether in a reach group or on a serving team, every individual knows he or she is truly part of the church when his or her spiritual gifts are being used to further God’s work in the church and beyond.

Begin To Give.
WHEN GOD BECOMES MASTER of our spending and giving habits, we can be confident He is master over one of the most personal areas of our lives. All our resources are entrusted to us to use for Kingdom purposes as well as for meeting personal needs. This next step is to allow God to have freedom in this area of our lives. That way, what we keep as well as what we give (using the historic biblical benchmark of 10% of our income as a starting reference) honors Him in every respect.

Become A Member.
THE FINAL STEP IS TO BECOME A MEMBER of Christian Life Assembly. We who are in Christ are technically already full members of the Body of Christ. We have an invisible, unbreakable bond that links us to Christ and to each other. But active membership at CLA is about making the invisible visible. The primary reason to become an active member is not to gain a personal advantage, but to identify ourselves with the characteristics (or marks) of biblical maturity. Since we are all pursuing Him, we ought to be pursuing these qualities as a way to be pleasing to God.
Any other Questions?
Was there something we forgot? If you have further questions, please email us at [email protected]. We hope you make your new church home at CLA!